b. November 16th, 1924 in Coila (Mississippi)

d. August 30th, 1999 in Chicago (Illinois)


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Black Rose


Ami d'enfance d'Eddie Taylor, autodidacte à la guitare, Brewer Phillips nait à Coila, une minuscule bourgade non loin de Greenwood. Au milieu des années 50, il rejoint Memphis où il travaille occasionnellement avec Memphis Minnie et Roosevelt Sykes. Il semble intégrer le groupe d'Hound Dog Taylor vers 1959. Jusqu'à la mort de ce dernier en décembre 1975, Brewer demeurera son fidèle guitariste rythmique et ami. Avec le batteur Ted Harvey, il forme l'ossature rythmique des Houserockers, un groupe ultra-dynamique. Au sein de ce groupe, il trouvera l'opportunité de graver ses premiers morceaux en leader : ces titres de 1972 sont partiellement gâchés par une prise de son défectueuse. A la mort de Taylor, les Houserockers - Phillips et Harvey - restent ensemble accompagnant d'abord J.B. Hutto. Mais rapidement, Brewer Phillips tente de développer sa propre carrière.

Childhood friend of Eddie Taylor, self-taught on guitar, Brewer Phillips was born in Coila, a tiny village near Greenwood. In the mid 50's, he joined Memphis where he occasionally worked with Memphis Minnie and Roosevelt Sykes. He seems to integrate the group of Hound Dog Taylor around 1959. Until Taylor's death in december 1975, Brewer remain his faithful rhythm guitarist and friend. With drummer Ted Harvey, he formed the rhythmic backbone of The Houserockers, an ultra-dynamic backing band. Within this group, he will find the opportunity to cut his first tracks as a leader : those 1972 titles are partially marred by a poor sound quality. On the death of Taylor, the Houserockers - Phillips and Harvey - remain together first accompanying J.B. Hutto. But soon, Brewer Phillips tries to develop his own career.


Black Rose

1972 / June 1977 / September 1982 / Early 1980's

Ce rare CD rassemble diverses pistes live enregistrées au cours des années 70 et 80 (la plupart sont inédites). La qualité sonore est variable et les morceaux plutôt inégaux. Certains s'avèrent puissants et irrésistibles tandis que d'autres semblent terriblement approximatifs. Aux côtés de Brewer Phillips, on trouve bien sûr le batteur Ted Harvey mais aussi Hound Dog Taylor, J.B. Hutto, Cub Koda ou Louis Myers. Un disque intéressant mais très inégal qu'on conseillera surtout aux fans confirmés de ce bluesman.

This rare CD brings together various live tracks recorded during the 70's and 80's (most of which are unissued). The sound quality is variable and the songs rather uneven. Some are powerful and irresistible while others seem terribly approximate. Alongside Brewer Phillips, we of course find drummer Ted Harvey but also Hound Dog Taylor, J.B. Hutto, Cub Koda or Louis Myers. An interesting but very uneven record that we recommend especially to confirmed fans of this bluesman.





March 1977

Trois morceaux issus d'un concert à Vienne (Autriche) au cours duquel Brewer est accompagné de J.B. Hutto. Malheureusement, la prise de son est mauvaise.

Three pieces from a concert in Vienna (Austria) during which Brewer is accompanied by J.B. Hutto. Unfortunately, the sound recording is bad.





March 1977 - June 1982

Plusieurs séances (de 1977, 1980, 1982) constituent le recueil "Good houserockin'" proposé par la firme autrichienne Wolf. S'il est un chanteur très moyen, on apprécie, en revanche, la guitare rugueuse de Brewer Phillips. Son blues brut et primaire est, en plus, dynamisé par la batterie virevoltante de Ted Harvey ("Fanny's blues", "No luck blues"). A noter que les pistes de 1977 (captée sur une scène viennoise) en compagnie de J.B. Hutto souffre d'une prise de son trop rudimentaire (déjà éditée dans l'anthologie "Chicago blues live").

Several sessions (from 1977, 1980, 1982) constitute this "Good houserockin'" collection proposed by the austrian firm Wolf. If he is a very average singer, we can appreciate, however, Brewer Phillips' rough guitar. His raw primary blues is, in addition, boosted by the swirling drumming of Ted Harvey ("Fanny's blues", "No luck blues"). We can also note that the 1977 tracks (captured on a viennese stage) with J.B. Hutto suffers from a too rudimentary quality sound (already issued in "Chicago blues live" anthology).



July 1982

Pour son premier véritable album, Brewer Phillips rassemble son groupe habituel (Steve Plair, Frank Bandy et Ted Harvey) et délivre son blues direct et sans fioriture. Un disque très consistant constellé de réussites notables comme "Whiskey headed woman", "Whole lotta love", les inattendues et excellentes reprises de "Watermelon man" et "Okee dokee stomp" mais également l'instrumental "Cleo".

For his first album, Brewer Phillips brings together his usual backing band (Steve Plair, Frank Bandy and Ted Harvey) and delivers his direct and unadorned blues. A very consistent set with notable titles like "Whiskey headed woman", "Whole lotta love", the unexpected and excellent covers of "Watermelon man" and "Okee dokee stomp" but also the instrumental "Cleo".



June 1995

Premier disque en 13 ans pour le bluesman âgé désormais de 70 ans. Il bénéficie de l'apport décisif du chanteur-pianiste Aaron Moore, de l'excellent batteur Robert "Huckleberry Hound" Wright et d'une production très correct. Quelques compositions brillantes sont immédiatement convaincantes : "Lunch bucket blues", "Don't you want to go home with me", "Looking for a woman", "Homebrew". Vraiment abouti, on tient ici le meilleur album de Brewer Phillips. Il décède dans son appartement du South Side de Chicago en aout 1999.

First album in 13 years for the now 70 years old bluesman. He benefits of the decisive contribution of the singer-pianist Aaron Moore, the excellent drummer Robert "Huckleberry Hound" Wright and a very decent production. Some brilliant compositions are immediately convincing : "Lunch bucket blues", "Don't you want to go home with me", "Looking for a woman", "Homebrew". Truly achieved, here we take the best album of Brewer Phillips. He died in his apartment on the South Side of Chicago in august 1999.
