Candice Caleb Hogan

b. November 13th, 1961 in Ventura (California)

d. May 6th, 2016 in Los Angeles (California)



December 1987


Candye Kane


Après s'être installée à San Diego, elle se marie avec le bassiste Thomas Yearsley. Passionnée de blues et de jazz, elle auto-édite ce premier album dans lequel elle montre une belle habileté vocale bien soutenue par d'excellents musiciens : "Voodoo voodoo", "Long sliding thing", "Put it all in there", "I'm so in love with you", "Boogie woogie country girl".

After moving to San Diego, she married bassist Thomas Yearsley. Passionate about blues and jazz, she self-released her first album, in which she displays fine vocal skills, well supported by excellent musicians : “Voodoo voodoo”, “Long sliding thing”, “Put it all in there”, “I'm so in love with you”, “Boogie woogie country girl”.




Remarquée par le producteur Clifford Antone, Candye enregistre ce nouvel album avec ses musiciens réguliers et quelques invités. Son répertoire entre Blues et Swing, dansant et excitant, mérite une écoute attentive : "Why'd you have to say that L Word", "You don't love me no more", "Babylon boogie", "Big Mama Candye's blues" (avec Roy Gaines), "Don't blame it on me" (en duo avec Kim Wilson), "No I ain't gonna let you go", "She wore a red carnation".

Spotted by producer Clifford Antone, Candye records this new album with her regular musicians and a few guests. Her danceable, exciting repertoire between Blues and Swing, is well worth a listen : “Why'd you have to say that L Word”, “You don't love me no more”, “Babylon boogie”, “Big Mama Candye's blues” (with Roy Gaines), “Don't blame it on me” (duet with Kim Wilson), "No I ain't gonna let you go", "She wore a red carnation".



March - April 1995

Pour ce second album pour le label Antone's, Candye opte pour un son Country-Rock plus commercial. Ses compositions s'avèrent également un peu moins inspirées. On peut cependant retenir le titre d'ouverture "I'm on a bender".

For this second album for Antone's label, Candye opts for a more commercial Country-Rock sound. Her compositions are also a little less inspired. We can however point out the opening track “I'm on a bender”.


Antone's - Discovery



Troisième et dernier album pour le label Antone's. Un album intéressant, plaisant mais sans beaucoup de blues au programme. Dans cette tracklist inégale, les meilleurs moments sont "You need a great big woman", "Freak lover", "These boots are made for walkin'", "Gifted in the ways of love", "All you can eat".

Third and final album for Antone's label. An interesting, pleasant album, but without much blues on the program. In this uneven tracklist, the best moments are “You need a great big woman”, “Freak lover”, “These boots are made for walkin'”, “Gifted in the ways of love”, “All you can eat”.




Avec le producteur Mike Vernon, Candye propose son cocktail Rhythm & Blues et Jump Blues. Encore une fois plaisant avec "200 lbs of fun", "I don't want nobody", "Swango" (chanté en français), "Blind love", "You've been a good ole wagon".

With producer Mike Vernon, Candye offers her Rhythm & Blues and Jump Blues cocktail. Once again pleasant with "200 lbs of fun", "I don't want nobody", "Swango" (sung in French), "Blind love", "You've been a good ole wagon".


Candye Kane


Concert intimiste capturé en Belgique dans lequel Candye Kane est accompagnée seulement de sa pianiste Sue Palmer. Une set-list entre Piano Blues et Boogie Woogie avec une belle reprise du "Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer" de Bessie Smith mais aussi "Scream in the night", "Do you want it", "Swing brother swing", "I left my heart in Texas" et "Boogie woogie country girl". Très sympathique.

An intimate concert captured in Belgium in which Candye Kane is accompanied only by her pianist Sue Palmer. A set-list somewhere between Piano Blues and Boogie Woogie with a fine cover of Bessie Smith's "Gimme a pigfoot and a bottle of beer", but also "Scream in the night", "Do you want it", "Swing brother swing", "I left my heart in Texas" and "Boogie woogie country girl". Very nice.



November - December 1999

Passée chez Bullseye, Candye travaille désormais avec le producteur Scott Billington. Dans cet album intense, elle propose son cocktail entre Swing et Jump Blues avec l'aide notable de Marcia Ball au piano. On retient les excellents "I'm the toughest girl alive", "Who do you love", "Didn't we", "Je n'en peux plus sans ma cadillac" (chanté en français), "Let's commit adultery", "Scream in the night".

Having joined Bullseye, Candye now works with producer Scott Billington. In this intense album, she offers a cocktail of Swing and Jump Blues, with Marcia Ball on piano. Highlights include the excellent "I'm the toughest girl alive", "Who do you love", "Didn't we", "Je n'en peux plus sans ma cadillac" (sung in french), "Let's commit adultery", "Scream in the night".




Après Sire et Bullseye, Candye Kane se fixe chez Ruf. Bénéficiant de l'apport d'excellents musiciens et de la production des Reno Brothers, elle propose encore une fois une tracklist variée et inspirée : "Wrap around Joy", "Put it all in there", "A lion in my house", "What's that I smell", "I'm just a sucker who believes in love", "27 times" et une sympathique reprise de "Whole lotta love".

After Sire and Bullseye, Candye Kane settles down with Ruf. Benefiting from the contribution of excellent musicians and the production of the Reno Brothers, she once again offers a varied and inspired tracklist : "Wrap around Joy", "Put it all in there", "A lion in my house", "What's that I smell", "I'm just a sucker who believes in love", "27 times" and a nice cover of "Whole lotta love".



November - December 2004

Dans ce second album pour Ruf, Candye continue dans le style de ses précédents albums "The toughest girl alive" et "Whole lotta love". On retient, en particulier, "White trash girl", "Estrogen bomb", "Big fat mamas are back in style", "Queen of the wrecking ball", "I wanna do more", "Masturbation blues". On note les participations de Mark "Kaz" Kazanoff (également producteur) et Gary Primich.

In this second album for Ruf, Candye continues in the style of her previous albums "The toughest girl alive" and "Whole lotta love". Highlights include "White trash girl", "Estrogen bomb", "Big fat mamas are back in style", "Queen of the wrecking ball", "I wanna do more", "Masturbation blues". We note the contributions of Mark "Kaz" Kazanoff (also producer) and Gary Primich.




Cet album co-produit par Bob Margolin se focalise sur la guitare avec divers invités comme Junior Watson, Dave Alvin, Sue Foley, Jeff Ross, Kid Ramos, Bob Brozman, Ana Popovic et Popa Chubby. Dans un programme très inégal et hétérogène, on peut retenir "My country man", "Back with my old friends" et "I done got over it".

This album, co-produced by Bob Margolin, focuses on guitar, with guests including Junior Watson, Dave Alvin, Sue Foley, Jeff Ross, Kid Ramos, Bob Brozman, Ana Popovic and Popa Chubby. In a very uneven and heterogeneous program, "My country man", "Back with my old friends" and "I done got over it" stand out.



January 2008

Concert en Allemagne rassemblant Candye Kane, Deborah Coleman et Dani Wilde. Candye chante cinq morceaux en solo puis trois autres titres dans lesquels les trois chanteuses se produisent ensemble.

Concert in Germany featuring Candye Kane, Deborah Coleman and Dani Wilde. Candye sings five solo tracks, followed by three others in which all three singers perform together.


Delta Groove


En 2008, on lui diagnostique un cancer du pancréas mais résolue à se battre, elle continue sa carrière de chanteuse. Ici, en compagnie de la guitariste et productrice Laura Chavez, elle propose cet excellent album pour le label Delta Groove de Randy Chortkoff. Dans une tracklist intense, on peut retenir "Superhero", "I put a hex on you", "Who's been sleeping in my bed", "Till you go too far" (avec l'harmonica de Mitch Kashmar), "You can't stop me from loving you", "Throw it in the trash can love".

In 2008, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but determined to fight, she continued her singing career. Here, alongside guitarist and producer Laura Chavez, she offers this excellent album for Randy Chortkoff's Delta Groove label. The intense tracklist includes "Superhero", "I put a hex on you", "Who's been sleeping in my bed", "Till you go too far" (with harmonica by Mitch Kashmar), "You can't stop me from loving you", "Throw it in the trash can love".


Delta Groove


Ce second album pour Delta Groove reste dans la continuation du premier avec les mêmes musiciens (notamment l'excellente Laura Chavez). Un programme consistant et varié duquel on peut retenir "I love to love you", "Love insurance", "Walkin' talkin' haunted house", "You can't take it back from here", "You can't hurt me anymore" et "Hard knock gal".

This second album for Delta Groove stays in the direct continuation of the first, with the same musicians (notably the excellent Laura Chavez). A consistent and varied program including "I love to love you", "Love insurance", "Walkin' talkin' haunted house", "You can't take it back from here", "You can't hurt me anymore" and "Hard knock gal".


Half Note Jazz Club

April 2011





Pour son dernier album, sous la bannière de Vizztone, Candye Kane et ses musiciens habituels (Jonny Viau, Laura Chavez, Sue Palmer) proposent à nouveau un excellent album, puissant et coloré. "Rock me to sleep", "I'm the reason why you drink", "Rise up", "Invisible woman", "I wanted you to walk right thru that door", "Barbed wire mouth" et "Au revoir y'all" sont parmi les meilleurs moments du programme.

For her latest album, under the Vizztone banner, Candye Kane and her regular musicians (Jonny Viau, Laura Chavez, Sue Palmer) once again deliver an excellent, powerful and colorful album. "Rock me to sleep", "I'm the reason why you drink", "Rise up", "Invisible woman", "I wanted you to walk right thru that door", "Barbed wire mouth" and "Au revoir y'all" are among the finest moments of the program.