b. August 28th, 1937 in Albany (Georgia)

d. December 25th, 2014 in Chicago (Illinois)



December 1997

Passionné de Jazz et frère cadet du bluesman Golden "Big" Wheeler, il s'installe à Chicago en 1956 et commence à apprendre la guitare. Après avoir accompagné "Billy Boy" Arnold, il forme son propre groupe The Jaguars en 1963. Le groupe se sépare en 1972 après avoir joué derrière des dizaines d'artistes dont Otis Clay qui embauche James dans sa formation. Il reste avec lui trois ans. Après une période plus difficile, James joue sept années durant derrière Otis Rush et fait partie du groupe Mississippi Heat. Grâce au producteur Robert Koester, il trouve l'opportunité de graver un premier album entouré de bons sidemen (Billy Flynn, Ken Saydak). Un solide album dont on retient l'excellent "This old freight train" (avec son grand frère à l'harmonica) mais aussi "Bad girl" (chanté par Gloria Thompson-Rodgers) et les slow blues "Blues at midnight" et "Extension 309".

Passionate about Jazz and younger brother of bluesman Golden "Big" Wheeler, he moved to Chicago in 1956 and began learning guitar. After accompanying “Billy Boy” Arnold, he formed his own group The Jaguars in 1963. The group broke up in 1972 after playing behind dozens of artists including Otis Clay who hired James into his lineup. He stayed with him for three years. After a more difficult period, James played for seven years behind Otis Rush and was part of the group Mississippi Heat. Thanks to producer Robert Koester, he found the opportunity to record a first album surrounded by good sidemen (Billy Flynn, Ken Saydak). A solid album from which we can point out the excellent "This old freight train" (with his big brother on harmonica) but also "Bad girl" (sung by Gloria Thompson-Rodgers) and slow blues "Blues at midnight" and "Extension 309".



December 1999

Avec presque la même équipe de producteurs et musiciens, James enregistre ce second album dans la directe continuation de son premier. Un Chicago Blues soigné et bien joué mais un programme un peu trop long. On apprécie, en particulier, "The weaker sex", "Sometimes", "You make it hard baby", "I can't take it", "These hard hard times".

With almost the same team of producers and musicians, James recorded this second album as a direct continuation of his first. A neat and well played Chicago Blues but a program a little too long. We particularly appreciate "The weaker sex", "Sometimes", "You make it hard baby", "I can't take it", "These hard hard times".


Blues Special


Pour ce label argentin, James délivre un honorable album de blues. Il chante bien et son jeu de guitare est inspiré. Derrière lui, les musiciens argentins le soutiennent comme il faut. On apprécie ses versions de "Cold heart woman", "Looking for my baby", "Look on yonder wall" et du slow blues "Going down slow".

For this argentine label, James delivers an honorable blues album. He sings well and his guitar playing is inspired. Behind him, the argentinian musicians support him properly. We appreciate his versions of "Cold heart woman", "Looking for my baby", "Look on yonder wall" and the slow blues "Going down slow".


MJ Group


Une séance live rassemblant les vieux amis Bob Stroger et James Wheeler sur une scène argentine sous l'égide d'Adrian Flores. Malgré quelques longueurs, il s'agit d'un concert plaisant que devraient apprécier les amateurs de blues.

A live session bringing together old friends Bob Stroger and James Wheeler on an argentinian stage under the aegis of Adrian Flores. Despite some lengths, it is a pleasant concert that blues fans should appreciate.