William Lucas b. May 29th, 1918 in Wynne (Arkansas) d. December 12th, 1982 in Minneapolis (Minnesota) |
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Né dans une famille de métayers, Bill est presque aveugle à cause d'un désordre nerveux au niveau de l'oeil. Il habite à Cape Girardeau (Missouri) dès 1936 puis à Saint Louis en 1940 (où il rencontre "Big" Joe Williams). L'année suivante, il arrive à Chicago et s'associe souvent à "Sonny Boy" Williamson et Homesick James. Plus tard, il monte sa propre formation avec Earl Dranes et Willie Mabon. D'abord guitariste, il s'intéresse de plus en plus au piano jusqu'à en faire finalement son instrument principal. Sa première séance pour Chance en octobre 1953 lui permet de graver ses premiers morceaux en leader avec Louis Myers et Elga Edmonds : "She got me walkin'", "I had a dream", "My baby's gone", "I can't sleep I can't eat". Il avait déjà accompagné Homesick James pour ce label. Born in a sharecroppers family, Bill is almost blind because of a nervous disorder at the eye. He lived in Cape Girardeau (Missouri) from 1936 and then in Saint Louis in 1940 (where he met "Big" Joe Williams). The following year, he arrived in Chicago and often associated with "Sonny Boy" Williamson and Homesick James. Later, he set up his own band with Earl Dranes and Willie Mabon. First a guitarist, he became more and more interested in piano until finally making it his main instrument. His first session for Chance in october 1953 allows him to cut his first tracks as a leader with Louis Myers and Elga Edmonds : "She got me walkin'", "I had a dream", "My baby's gone", "I can't sleep I can't eat". He had already accompanied Homesick James for this label. |
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En tant que sideman, il joue derrière Snooky Pryor, Little Hudson, Little Willie Foster, Jo Jo Williams et Eddie Clearwater. En compagnie d'Earl Dranes, Jo Jo Williams et d'autres musiciens inconnus, Bill grave deux morceaux pour Excello sous le nom de Blues Rockers : le curieux "Calling all cows" et "Johnny Mae". As a sideman, he plays behind Snooky Pryor, Little Hudson, Little Willie Foster, Jo Jo Williams and Eddie Clearwater. Alongside Earl Dranes, Jo Jo Williams and other unknown musicians, Bill cuts two tracks for Excello under the name of Blues Rockers : the curious "Calling all cows" and "Johnny Mae". |
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LAZY BILLWild June 1969 ![]() |
Bill disparait presque totalement pendant les années 60 alors qu'il reste pourtant actif. Ce premier LP est enregistré chez lui à Minneapolis (où il habite depuis 1964) grâce à Jeff Titon. Il joue du piano dans un style simple et direct et sa voix semble un peu chevrotante. Un certain manque de moyen peut transparaitre. "The devil is going to get you", "Mary Jo", "Greenback dollar bill", "Rambling Bill" s'écoutent avec plaisir. Bill almost totally disappeared during the 1960's even though he remains active. This first LP was recorded at his home in Minneapolis (where he has lived since 1964) thanks to Jeff Titon. He plays piano in a simple and direct style and his voice seems a little quavering. A certain lack of means can appear. "The devil is going to get you", "Mary Jo", "Greenback dollar bill", "Rambling Bill" can be listened with pleasure. |
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LAZY BILL & HIS FRIENDSWild April - May 1970 ![]() |
Second disque en compagnie de Jeff Titon à Minneapolis. Cette fois, Bill est présenté en leader d'un petit orchestre électrique avec "Mojo" Buford, Jo Jo Williams, "Sonny Boy" Rogers, Jeff Titon et quelques autres. Bill est à la guitare sur deux morceaux (surtout sur le superbe "Sara Jane"). On remarque aussi "All pretty women" et "I feel so good". Le même manque de moyen se fait sentir : la pochette est la même que sur le premier album et les informations du disque sont collées par dessus. Second album with Jeff Titon in Minneapolis. This time, Bill is presented as the leader of a small electric orchestra with "Mojo" Buford, Jo Jo Williams, "Sonny Boy" Rogers, Jeff Titon and a few others. Bill is on guitar on two tracks (especially on the superb "Sara Jane"). We also notice "All pretty women" and "I feel so good". The same lack of means is felt : the cover is the same as on the first album and the disc informations are pasted over it. |
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LAZY BILL LUCASPhilo February 1971 / May 1973 ![]() |
En 1970, il participe simultanément au Wisconsin Delta Blues Festival puis au Ann Arbor Blues Festival qui lui permettent d'attirer un peu l'attention sur lui. Dans la lignée des deux disques précédents, Bill livre ici un album tout à fait correct avec une meilleure production que d'habitude. Enregistré dans de meilleures conditions que précédemment, il s'agit probablement de son disque le plus abouti. On peut notamment ressortir "Wake up in the morning", "Blues before sunrise", "She got me walkin'", "Bring it on home" ainsi qu'une belle version de "Coal black mare" (où Bill tient la guitare). In 1970, he participated simultaneously in the Wisconsin Delta Blues Festival and then in the Ann Arbor Blues Festival, which allowed him to draw a little attention to him. In line with the two previous records, Bill here delivers a decent album with better production than usual. Recorded under better conditions than previously, this is probably his most achieved record. We can point out "Wake up in the morning", "Blues before sunrise", "She got me walkin'", "Bring it on home" and a nice version of "Coal black mare" (where Bill holds the guitar). |
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HAVE MERCYCold Wind Spring 1982 ![]() |
En 1979, il anime une émission radiophonique "The Lazy Bill Lucas show" sur KFAI à Minneapolis. Après une dizaine d'années de silence discographique, il possède toujours cette voix rauque et erraillée ainsi que son jeu de piano simple et direct. Il livre ici un disque intéressant qui mérite l'écoute. Gravé quelques mois avant sa mort à Minneapolis, il est accompagné d'un petit groupe constitué de Tom Burns, Steve Heim, Glen Hanson, Craig Salminen et Rik Sferra. "Lazy" Bill Lucas est mort dans les derniers jours de l'année 1982. In 1979, he hosted a radio show "The Lazy Bill Lucas show" on KFAI in Minneapolis. After ten years of discographical silence, he still possesses this hoarse and raucous voice as well as his simple and direct piano playing. He delivers here an interesting record worth listening to. Recorded a few months before his death in Minneapolis, he is accompanied by a small group consisting of Tom Burns, Steve Heim, Glen Hanson, Craig Salminen and Rik Sferra. "Lazy" Bill Lucas died in the last days of 1982. |