Judge Kenneth Peterson b. December 13th, 1964 in Buffalo (New York) d. May 17th, 2020 in Dallas (Texas) |
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OUR FUTUREToday Perception 1969 ![]() |
Enfant prodige du Blues, fils du bluesman James Peterson (qui possède le club The Governor's Inn à Buffalo), le jeune Lucky est repéré par Willie Dixon qui le prend sous son aile, lui fait graver plusieurs titres et participer à diverses émissions télévisées. Ce premier LP produit par un pool de producteurs - compositeurs (Terry Philips, Patrick Adams, Maurice Irby Jr et Eddie Winfield) semble vraiment une curiosité atypique : Lucky a cinq ans au moment de l'enregistrement, sa voix est encore celle d'un enfant mais ses qualités à l'orgue sont déjà bien réelles. Son "1-2-3-4" est en fait une reprise du "Please please please" de James Brown. Il est accompagné d'un groupe au son indistinct. A conseiller uniquement aux fans confirmés de Lucky Peterson. Child prodigy of the Blues, son of bluesman James Peterson (who owns The Governor's Inn club in Buffalo), young Lucky is spotted by Willie Dixon who takes him under his wing, makes him record several titles and participate in various television shows. This first LP produced by a pool of producers-composers (Terry Philips, Patrick Adams, Maurice Irby Jr and Eddie Winfield) seems really an unusual curiosity : Lucky is five years old at the time of the recording, his voice is still that of a child but his qualities on organ are already very real. His "1-2-3-4" is actually a cover of James Brown's "Please please please". He is accompanied by a band with an indistinct sound. Should be recommended only to confirmed fans of Lucky Peterson. |
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Toujours guidé par son père James Peterson, le jeune Lucky enregistre là son second album. Le père et le fils sont ici réunis et se partagent les parties chantées. James a composé l'ensemble des titres et joue de la guitare. Lucky lui est derrière l'orgue. Certains moments paraissent vraiment soporifiques mais d'autres retiennent un peu l'attention comme "The way a tree falls" ou "Jacksonville". Un disque un peu bancal qu'on devra encore une fois conseiller aux fans inconditionnels de Lucky Peterson. Always guided by his father James Peterson, the young Lucky records his second album there. The father and the son are here together and share the sung parts. James composed all the tracks and plays guitar. Lucky is behind the organ. Some moments seem really soporific but others hold a little attention like "The way a tree falls" or "Jacksonville". An album that is a bit wobbly and that we should once again recommend to Lucky Peterson's confirmed fans. |
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RIDIN'Isabel Evidence March 1984 ![]() |
Pendant son enfance et son adolescence, Lucky apprend l'orgue puis la guitare (il a aussi étudié la trompette et la basse). A 17 ans, il devient le claviériste de Little Milton pour trois années. Ainsi, il apparait sur deux disques de Milton et l'accompagne lors de tournées européennes. Selon les notes de pochette, cet album a été gravé, en une seule journée, lors de la tournée européenne du Youngblood Blues Band. Lucky au chant et brillant aux claviers, est accompagné du guitariste Melvin Taylor, Titus Williams à la basse et Ray Allison à la batterie. Essentiellement composé de reprises plutôt bien rendues, on trouve ici un disque honorable et prometteur démontrant les qualités du jeune Lucky Peterson. During his childhood and adolescence, Lucky learned organ and guitar (he also studied trumpet and bass). At 17, he became keyboardist for Little Milton for three years. Thus, he appears on two records of Milton and accompanies him during european tours. According to the liner notes, this album was recorded, in one day, during the european tour of the Youngblood Blues Band. Lucky on vocals and brilliant on keyboards, is accompanied by guitarist Melvin Taylor, Titus Williams on bass and Ray Allison on drums. Essentially composed of well-made covers, we find here an honorable and promising record showcasing the skills of the young Lucky Peterson. |
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LUCKY STRIKESAlligator 1989 ![]() ![]() |
Après Little Milton, Lucky est embauché dans le groupe de Bobby "Blue" Bland. Il reste avec lui trois ans avant de relancer sa carrière solo. Grâce au D.J. Bob "Soulman" Scheir de la radio WMNF, Lucky Peterson est présenté au producteur Bob Greenlee. Celui-ci lui propose de graver un disque dans ses King Snake Studios de Sanford (Floride). Lucky trouve aussi l'opportunité de jouer derrière "Lazy" Lester ou Noble "Thin Man" Watts. Sous la supervision de Bob Greenlee - ici bassiste, producteur et compositeur - Lucky montre qu'il est un chanteur en progrès, un claviériste hors-pair mais aussi un excellent guitariste. "Pounding of my heart", "Can't get no loving on the telephone", "Bad feeling" sans oublier l'instrumental "Lucky strikes". After Little Milton, Lucky is hired in Bobby "Blue" Bland's band. He stays with him three years before relaunching his solo career. Thanks to D.J. Bob "Soulman" Scheir of WMNF radio, Lucky Peterson is introduced to producer Bob Greenlee. Greenlee proposes to him to cut an album in his King Snake Studios of Sanford (Florida). Lucky also finds the opportunity to play behind "Lazy" Lester or Noble "Thin Man" Watts. Under the supervision of Bob Greenlee - here bassist, producer and composer - Lucky shows that he is a progressing singer, an outstanding keyboardist and an excellent guitarist. "Pounding of my heart", "Can't get no loving on the telephone", "Bad feeling" without forgetting the instrumental "Lucky strikes". |
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TRIPLE PLAYAlligator 1990 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Second album pour Alligator avec le producteur Bob Greenlee et les mêmes musiciens. Très abouti, ce disque regroupe des compositions remarquables comme "Let the chips fall where they may", "Six o'clock blues", "Repo man", "Jammin' in the jungle", "I'm free", "Don't cloud up on me". Lucky est désormais un chanteur parfaitement convaincant. Il est constamment brillant à la guitare et aux claviers. Un disque franchement remarquable de Chicago Blues contemporain. Second album for Alligator with producer Bob Greenlee and the same musicians. Really achieved, this album brings together remarkable compositions like "Let the chips fall where they may", "Six o'clock blues", "Repo man", "Jammin' in the jungle", "I'm free", "Don't cloud up on me". Lucky is now a perfectly convincing singer. He is constantly shining on guitar and keyboards. A truly remarkable Chicago Blues contemporary record. |
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I'M READYVerve - Gitanes Jazz May - August 1992 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Repéré par Jay Newland à la fin de l'année 1991 qui le présente au producteur John Snyder, Lucky signe un lucratif contrat avec le label Verve à New York. Excellente production conférant un son puissant et clair. Lucky est entouré de musiciens remarquables comme Paul Ossola, Crusher Green, Wilbur Bascomb, Tony Coleman, The Uptown Horns. Quelques reprises remises au goût du jour comme "I'm ready", "You shook me", "Who's been talkin'" et le Gospel final ("Precious Lord"). On retient aussi le dévastateur "Junkyard" (et le furieux solo de saxophone d'Illinois Jacquet), le slow blues "Nothing but smoke", "Spankin' Leroy" avec le guitariste Larry Mac Cray. Un grand disque de Blues contemporain qui influencera beaucoup d'autres artistes. Spotted by Jay Newland at the end of 1991, who introduced him to producer John Snyder, Lucky signed a lucrative contract with the Verve label in New York. Excellent production conferring a powerful and clear sound. Lucky is surrounded by such notable musicians as Paul Ossola, Crusher Green, Wilbur Bascomb, Tony Coleman, The Uptown Horns. A few updated covers such as "I'm ready", "You shook me", "Who's been talkin'" and the final Gospel ("Precious Lord"). We also point out the devastating "Junkyard" (and the furious saxophone solo of Illinois Jacquet), the slow blues "Nothing but smoke", "Spankin' Leroy" with guitarist Larry Mac Cray. A great contemporary Blues record that will influence many other artists. |
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BEYOND COOLVerve - Gitanes Jazz June - July 1993 ![]() |
Après avoir ouvert les concerts de James Brown, Lucky Peterson démarre l'enregistrement de son second album pour Verve dans la continuation du précédent "I'm ready" avec néanmoins un son nettement plus Rock. Quelques excellentes compositions personnelles comme "I'm talking to you", "Count on me", "Your good thing is about to run out" mais des reprises parfois surprenantes mais rarement convaincantes ("Compared to what" de Les Mac Cann, "Up from the skies" de Jimi Hendrix, "You haven't done nothin'" de Stevie Wonder). Un programme sympathique mais inégal. After opening James Brown's concerts, Lucky Peterson starts recording his second album for Verve in continuation of the previous "I'm ready" with a definitely more Rock sound. Some excellent personal compositions such as "I'm talking to you", "Count on me", "Your good thing is about to run out" but some covers are surprising but rarely convincing ("Compared to what" by Les Mac Cann, "Up from the skies" by Jimi Hendrix, "You haven't done nothin'" by Stevie Wonder). A nice but uneven program. |
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LIFETIMEVerve - Gitanes Jazz January 1995 (standard version) January / October 1995 (expanded version) ![]() |
Troisième album pour Verve, gravé cette fois en Louisiane, avec les mêmes producteurs John Snyder et Jay Newland. Conçu comme un mélange Blues, Gospel, Rock et Funk, l'album se révèle assez hétérogène passant d'un genre à l'autre avec facilité mais sans beaucoup d'inspiration. "Bad condition", "Shining star" (une reprise d'Earth Wind & Fire), "Lifetime", "Ham-buger" et "Bird in the hand" méritent toutefois une écoute attentive. Il existe également une version allongée 2 CD avec des titres supplémentaires ultra-funky produits par Bootsy Collins. Third album for Verve, recorded this time in Louisiana, with the same producers John Snyder and Jay Newland. Designed as a mix of Blues, Gospel, Rock and Funk, the album is quite heterogeneous passing from one genre to another with ease but without much inspiration. "Bad condition", "Shining star" (a cover of Earth Wind & Fire), "Lifetime", "Ham-buger" and "Bird in the hand", however, deserve careful listening. There is also a 2 CD extended version with extra ultra-funky tracks produced by Bootsy Collins. |
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SPIRITUALS AND GOSPEL : DEDICATED TO MAHALIA JACKSONVerve - Gitanes Jazz January - June 1996 ![]() |
Projet commun de Mavis Staples et Lucky Peterson consistant en un hommage à Mahalia Jackson, la Reine du Gospel. Mavis chante avec sa voix magnifique et Lucky s'occupe des claviers (piano et orgue). Quelques beaux moments de ferveur mais un peu ennuyeux parfois. A conseiller avant tout aux amateurs confirmés de Gospel. Joint project by Mavis Staples and Lucky Peterson consisting of a tribute to Mahalia Jackson, Queen of Gospel. Mavis sings with her beautiful voice and Lucky plays keyboards (piano and organ). Some nice moments of fervor but a little boring sometimes. To advise, above all, to confirmed fans of Gospel. |
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IN TEMPOVerve 1996 |
Lucky Peterson joue sur deux morceaux dans cet album de l'Orchestre National de Jazz : "Theme from Joy House" et "Who's been talking". Lucky Peterson plays on two tracks in this album of the Orchestre National de Jazz : "Theme from Joy House" and "Who's been talking". |
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PAINT IT BLUEHouse of Blues Ruf March 1997 |
Dans cet album hommage aux Rolling Stones, Lucky Peterson donne une version peu convaincante de "Under my thumb". In this tribute album to the Rolling Stones, Lucky Peterson gives an unconvincing version of "Under my thumb". |
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MOVEVerve - Gitanes Jazz March 1997 ![]() ![]() |
Contrairement aux précédents albums, Lucky est ici seulement accompagné par une petite formation : Butch Bonner, Johnny B. Gayden et Dennis Chambers. Du coup, l'album - produit par Charles Mitchell - se recentre sur le Blues. De solides compositions accrocheuses comme "You're the one for me", "Move", "I'm back again" ainsi que l'éblouissant hommage à Albert Collins "Pickin'". Mais surtout des reprises inattendues et vraiment originales : "Don't you even care", "It's your thing", "Purple rain". Unlike previous albums, Lucky is here only accompanied by a small combo : Butch Bonner, Johnny B. Gayden and Dennis Chambers. Consequently, the album - produced by Charles Mitchell - focuses on Blues. Strong catchy compositions like "You're the one for me", "Move", "I'm back again" and the dazzling homage to Albert Collins "Pickin'". But especially unexpected and really original covers : "Don't you even care", "It's your thing", "Purple rain". |
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LUCKY PETERSONVerve - Gitanes Jazz Blue Thumb November 1998 ![]() |
Enregistré aux Ardent Studios de Memphis, l'album se compose encore une fois de nombreuses reprises et de quelques compositions originales. On retient "The other side", "She's giving me the blues" et un sympathique hommage à Luther Allison. Mais sa reprise du "Shake" de Sam Cooke n'apporte rien de particulier. Production trop lisse dans l'ensemble. Recorded at Ardent Studios in Memphis, the album is once again composed of many covers and some original compositions. We can remember "The other side", "She's giving me the blues" and a nice tribute to Luther Allison. But his cover of Sam Cooke's "Shake" brings nothing special. Too smooth production overall. |
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HELLHOUND ON MY TRAILTelarc December 1999 |
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DOUBLE DEALIN'Blue Thumb July 2000 ![]() ![]() |
Lucky a déclaré au magazine Soul Bag que ce disque restait son préféré dans sa discographie. Ce premier album pour Blue Thumb est produit par John Porter. Lucky, en grande forme, est entouré d'excellents musiciens comme Jon Cleary (qui compose aussi deux morceaux du programme). Du Blues contemporain puissant et inspiré comme sur les remarquables "It ain't safe", "When my blood runs cold", "Smooth sailing", "Mercenary baby", "Ain't doin' too bad", "3 handed woman", "Doin' bad feelin' good". Lucky told Soul Bag magazine that this album was his favorite in his discography. This first album for Blue Thumb is produced by John Porter. Lucky, in great shape, is surrounded by great musicians like Jon Cleary (who also composes two pieces of the program). Powerful and inspired contemporary Blues like on the remarkable "It ain't safe", "When my blood runs cold", "Smooth sailing", "Mercenary baby", "Ain't doin' too bad", "3 handed woman", "Doin' bad feelin' good". |
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Pour cet hommage au célèbre album des Beatles supervisé par Randy Labbe, Lucky chante une version peu convaincante de "Yer blues" et accompagne son ami Kenny Neal sur "Revolution". For this tribute to the famous Beatles album supervised by Randy Labbe, Lucky sings an unconvincing version of "Yer blues" and accompanies his friend Kenny Neal on "Revolution". |
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BLACK MIDNIGHT SUNDreyfus Jazz March - April 2002 ![]() ![]() |
Enregistré pour le label Dreyfus Jazz grâce à son manager français Jean François Deiber, ce disque possède un son orienté Soul-Funk avec l'apport du bassiste-producteur Bill Laswell et du batteur Jerome "Bigfoot" Brailey (ancien Parliament / Funkadelic). Essentiellement des reprises mais certaines sont remarquables : "Jody's got your girl and gone", "Smokestack lightning" (une sensationnelle reprise aux sons exotiques), "Black midnight sun", "She's burglar", "Truly your friends". Recorded for the Dreyfus Jazz label thanks to its french manager Jean François Deiber, this album has a Soul-Funk sound with the contribution of bassist-producer Bill Laswell and drummer Jerome "Bigfoot" Brailey (former Parliament / Funkadelic). Essentially covers but some are remarkable : "Jody's got your girl and gone", "Smokestack lightning" (a sensational cover with some exotic sounds), "Black midnight sun", "She's burglar", "Truly your friends". |
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EXILE ON BLUES ST.Telarc July 2002 |
Pour cet hommage au célèbre album des Rolling Stones supervisé par Randy Labbe, Lucky propose une belle reprise de "Ventilator blues". For this tribute to the famous Rolling Stones album supervised by Randy Labbe, Lucky offers a nice cover of "Ventilator blues". |
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IF YOU CAN'T FIX ITJSP 2003 ![]() |
Lucky Peterson est ici associé à son père James Peterson. Cette réunion est co-produite par Lucky et Bruce Feiner pour le label anglais JSP. James a composé la majorité des titres et s'occupe du chant, Lucky lui se focalisant sur les guitares et les claviers. Quelques bons moments dans cet album inégal : "Strange things happen every day", "Cripple man", "Something in between", "Never take sand to the beach" et l'instrumental "Get down". L'album est dédié à Jarnelle "Pinky" Peterson défunte femme de James et mère de Lucky. Lucky Peterson is here associated with his father James Peterson. This meeting is co-produced by Lucky and Bruce Feiner for the english label JSP. James composed the majority of titles and deals with singing, Lucky focusing on guitars and keyboards. Some good moments in this uneven album : "Strange things happen every day", "Cripple man", "Something in between", "Never take sand to the beach" and the instrumental "Get down". The album is dedicated to Jarnelle "Pinky" Peterson's late wife of James and mother of Lucky. |
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TETE A TETEJSP 2007 ![]() |
Second album pour JSP co-produit par Peterson et Bruce Feiner. Ici Lucky est associé à Andy Aledort. D'inspiration Blues-Rock, l'album semble n'être qu'un long catalogue de solos de guitares. De plus, les morceaux sont généralement trop longs et peu inspirés. Un album à oublier. Second album for JSP co-produced by Peterson and Bruce Feiner. Here Lucky is associated with Andy Aledort. Inspired by Blues-Rock, the album seems to be a long catalog of guitar solos. In addition, the tracks are usually too long and uninspired. An album to forget. |
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ORGAN SOUL SESSIONSUniversal June 2008 ![]() |
Curieux projet que ce triple CD consacré entièrement à l'orgue dans une tradition Soul-Jazz à la manière de Jimmy Smith, Jack Mac Duff ou Richard "Groove" Holmes. Il y a presque trois heures de musique remplies de reprises de standards de l'instrument. Pour apprécier ce disque à sa juste valeur, il vaut mieux être un fan confirmé d'orgue sinon on risque de trouver ce copieux programme bien ennuyeux. Curious project that this triple CD devoted entirely to organ in a Soul-Jazz tradition in the manner of Jimmy Smith, Jack Mac Duff or Richard "Groove" Holmes. There is almost three hours of music filled with standard covers of the instrument. To appreciate this disc at its fair value, it is better to be a confirmed organ fan or we may find this program very boring. |
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Projet commun de Lucky Peterson avec sa femme Tamara Peterson. Elle se montre ici une bonne chanteuse malgré quelques limites. Mais, cet album manque cruellement de compositions efficaces et souffre d'une production trop impersonnelle. Lucky Peterson's joint project with his wife Tamara Peterson. She shows herself here a good singer despite some limitations. But, this album is sorely lacking in effective compositions and suffers from too impersonal production. |
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LAY MY DEMONS DOWNBlues Boulevard 2009 ![]() |
En fait, il s'agit beaucoup plus d'un album du guitariste Tommy Mac Coy que de Lucky Peterson (dont le nom est pourtant reproduit sur la pochette). Mac Coy assumant guitares et chant tandis que Lucky reste derrière son orgue comme un simple sideman. Blues calibré et sans saveur. In fact, it is much more of an album of guitarist Tommy Mac Coy than Lucky Peterson (whose name is however reproduced on the cover). Mac Coy assuming guitars and vocals while Lucky stays behind his organ as a mere sideman. Calibrated and tasteless Blues. |
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HALF NOTE JAZZ CLUBHalf Note February 2010 |
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HEART OF PAINJSP 2010 ![]() |
Pour cette nouvelle livraison chez JSP, Lucky Peterson propose encore une fois un album assez inégal : set-list conventionnelle sans beaucoup de surprises, production impersonnelle de Steve Washington (qui est également son manager). For this new installment for JSP, Lucky Peterson offers yet again a rather uneven album : conventional set-list without many surprises, impersonal production of Steve Washington (who is also his manager). |
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YOU CAN ALWAYS TURN AROUNDDreyfus Jazz March 2010 ![]() ![]() |
Co-produit par Doug Yoel, Francis Dreyfus et Lucky lui-même, ce projet acoustique montre qu'il est aussi un grand spécialiste de la guitare à résonateur. Son chant a gagné en passion et en émotion. Sur cet album brut et dépouillé, on trouve de remarquables réussites comme "I believe I'll dust my broom", une superbe relecture de "Statesboro blues", les intonations Folk de "I'm new here", "Why are people like that", "I wish I knew how it would feel to be free", l'autobiographique "Four little boys", "Death don't have no mercy". Un opus puissant et achevé qui mérite absolument une écoute attentive. Co-produced by Doug Yoel, Francis Dreyfus and Lucky himself, this acoustic project shows that he is also a great specialist of the resonator guitar. His song has gained passion and emotion. On this raw and stripped album, there are remarkable achievements like "I believe I'll dust my broom", a superb reading of "Statesboro blues", the folk intonations of "I'm new here", "Why are people like that", "I wish I knew how it would feel to be free", the autobiographical "Four little boys", "Death don't have no mercy". A powerful and completed opus that deserves absolutely attentive listening. |
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Nouvelle production de Steve Washington (fils de Fats Washington) pour le label anglais JSP. Une tranche de Blues classique peu originale et très axée sur la guitare. On peut néanmoins retenir "Every second a fool is born", "Love me", "Running down the railroad". New production of Steve Washington (son of Fats Washington) for the english label JSP. A slice of classic Blues not really original and very focused on guitar. One can nevertheless remember "Every second a fool is born", "Love me", "Running down the railroad". |
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4 BLUES GUITAR MASTERSDixiefrog 2011 |
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TRAVELIN' MANJSP 2012 ![]() |
Une nouvelle livraison pour JSP comprenant quelques bons moments : "Feeling they call the blues", "I'm free", "Get on down", "Traveling man", "Treat me like you wanna", "What I have done wrong". Compositions signées par Steve Washington et Lucky Peterson solides et variées sans être pour autant très originales. Another installment for JSP including some good moments : "Feeling they call the blues", "I'm free", "Get on down", "Traveling man", "Treat me like you wanna", "What I have done wrong". Signed by Steve Washington and Lucky Peterson, original compositions sound solid and varied without being very original. |
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LIVE AT THE 55 ARTS CLUB BERLINBlackbird I'M BACK AGAINBlues Boulevard August 2012 ![]() |
Recueil CD / DVD d'un concert donné à Berlin en aout 2012. La performance s'avère globalement bonne malgré quelques longueurs par moments. Mais on trouve aussi des Blues intenses comme "Smooth sailing", "Blues medley", "How do I why do I", "Giving me the blues", "I'm ready", "Who's been talking". Réédition partielle dans "I'm back again" par le label Blues Boulevard. CD / DVD collection of a concert given in Berlin in august 2012. The performance is generally good despite some lengths at times. But there are also intense Blues like "Smooth sailing", "Blues medley", "How do I why do I", "Giving me the blues", "I'm ready", "Who's been talking". Partial reissue in "I'm back again" by Blues Boulevard label. |
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THE SON OF A BLUESMANJazz Village June 2013 ![]() ![]() |
Dans cet album très personnel aux textes largement autobiographiques, Lucky livre un ensemble puissant et inspiré comprenant "Blues is my blood", "Funky broadway", "Boogie woogie blues joint party", "I'm still here" (présent en deux versions très différentes), "The son of a bluesman", "You lucky dog". Son solide groupe régulier le supporte remarquablement : Shawn Kellerman (guitare), Timothy Waites (basse), Raul Valdes (batterie). In this very personal album with largely autobiographical texts, Lucky delivers a powerful and inspired set including "Blues is my blood", "Funky broadway", "Boogie woogie blues joint party", "I'm still here" (present in two very different versions), "The son of a bluesman", "You lucky dog". His strong regular band supports him remarkably : Shawn Kellerman (guitar), Timothy Waites (bass), Raul Valdes (drums). |
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LIVE IN MARCIACJazz Village July 2014 ![]() |
Ce disque live CD/DVD se rapproche beaucoup du précédent "Live at the 55 arts club" bien qu'étant beaucoup plus inégal. Alternance de moments puissants et intenses ("Funky broadway", "Nana Jarnell") et d'autres beaucoup plus dispensables où Lucky se révèle trop excessif (une horrible reprise de "Johnny B. Goode" avec Joe Satriani). This CD / DVD live album is very similar to the previous "Live at the 55 arts club" although being much more uneven. Alternating powerful and intense moments ("Funky broadway", "Nana Jarnell") and other much more dispensable where Lucky seems too excessive (a horrible cover of "Johnny B. Goode" with Joe Satriani). |
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TRIBUTE TO JIMMY SMITHJazz Village February 2016 ![]() ![]() |
Superbement enregistré en région parisienne et produit par Catherine Vallon-Barry, Seydou Barry et Lucky lui-même, il s'agit donc d'un hommage au célèbre organiste de jazz Jimmy Smith. Lucky - impérial à l'orgue - est accompagné par les excellents Kelyn Crapp (guitare) et Herlin Riley (batterie). On note aussi les apparitions des jazzmen français Nicolas Folmer et Philippe Petrucciani ainsi que du légendaire Archie Shepp. Meilleurs moments : "The sermon", "The champ", "Jimmy wants to groove", "Back at the chicken shack". Superbly recorded in the Paris region and produced by Catherine Vallon-Barry, Seydou Barry and Lucky himself, it is a tribute to the famous jazz organist Jimmy Smith. Lucky - imperial on organ - is accompanied by the excellent Kelyn Crapp (guitar) and Herlin Riley (drums). We also note the appearances of french jazzmen Nicolas Folmer and Philippe Petrucciani as well as the legendary Archie Shepp. Highlights : "The sermon", "The champ", "Jimmy wants to groove", "Back at the chicken shack". |
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LONG NIGHTSJSP 2016 ![]() |
Lucky a gravé ce disque au Texas (où il habite). Co-produit par Steven Washington, Tamara Tramell et Lucky lui-même, on trouve ici une session de Blues traditionnel pas vraiment originale mais bien jouée. On peut retenir "Is it me", "Long nights" et "Repo man". Lucky recorded this album in Texas (where he lives). Co-produced by Steven Washington, Tamara Tramell and Lucky himself, we find here a traditional Blues session not really original but well played. We can point out "Is it me", "Long nights" and "Repo man". |
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50 : JUST WARMING UPJazz Village 2019 ![]() |
Ce disque très contrasté fut enregistré à Paris pour le label français Jazz Village. Produit par Lucky - pour ses 50 ans de carrière - et Shawn Kellerman, il souffre d'un programme trop long (78 minutes). Certains morceaux sont remarquables de puissance et d'inspiration tandis que d'autres apparaissent anecdotiques ou artificiels. Parmi les meilleurs moments, on peut sortir les superbes "50 years", "Pack it up", "Never make a move too soon", "Clickety click", "Angel of mercy", "Let the good time party begin" qui rendent cet album si attachant. Malheureusement, Lucky Peterson est mort soudainement d'une hémorragie interne au printemps 2020 à son domicile de Dallas. This very contrasted album was recorded in Paris for the french label Jazz Village. Produced by Lucky - for his 50 year career - and Shawn Kellerman, he suffers from a too long program (78 minutes). Some tracks are remarkable for their power and inspiration while others appear anecdotal or artificial. Among the best moments, we can point out the superb "50 years", "Pack it up", "Never make a move too soon", "Clickety click", "Angel of mercy", "Let the good time party begin" that make this album so endearing. Sadly, Lucky Peterson died suddenly from internal hemorrhage in the spring of 2020 at his home in Dallas. |