Tyler Dee Bell

b. December 26th, 1922 in Lee County (Texas)

d. January 9th, 1999 in Austin (Texas)

Erbie Bowser

b. May 5th, 1918 in Davilla (Texas)

d. August 15th, 1995 in Austin (Texas)



August 1988

Fils de pianistes, il est le dernier d'une fratrie de neuf enfants. Installé à Austin, il s'associe dès 1942 au chanteur et guitariste T.D. Bell. Le duo resta actif sur la scène texane jusque dans les années 70 mais n'avait jamais enregistré. Grâce à Tary Owens, Erbie put graver ses quatre premiers morceaux dans cette anthologie éditée par le label Catfish : "11th street bounce", "Blues for the Victory Grill", "Bowser's boogie woogie" et "Eastside blues".

Son of pianists, he is the last of a family of nine children. Based in Austin, he joined forces in 1942 with singer and guitarist T.D. Bell. The duo remained active on the Texas scene until the 70's but had never recorded. Thanks to Tary Owens, Erbie was able to record his first four songs in this anthology issued by the Catfish label : "11th street bounce", "Blues for the Victory Grill", "Bowser's boogie woogie" and "Eastside blues".


Red Drum (only on cassette)


Black Magic


Chanteur et guitariste, T.D. Bell fait équipe dès 1942 avec le pianiste Erbie Bowser. Ils furent très actifs sur la scène texane mais abandonnèrent la musique dans les années 70. A nouveau réunis à l'initiative de Tary Owens, ils gravent ce premier album conjoint produit par Owens, Jonathan Foose et Ed Guinn. Un bel opus de blues texan - bien que le programme soit un peu trop long - avec "Soon as the weather breaks", "24 hours a day", "Cold cold feeling", "T-Bone shuffle", "Bobby Sox blues", "I've got bad news baby" et "Black night". D'abord édité confidentiellement sur une cassette, il fut rapidement réédité sur CD. Dans la foulée de cet enregistrement, ils participeront au Blues Estafette d'Utrecht de l'année suivante.

Singer and guitarist, T.D. Bell teamed up in 1942 with pianist Erbie Bowser. They were very active on the Texas scene but abandoned music in the 1970's. Brought together again at the initiative of Tary Owens, they recorded this first joint album produced by Owens, Jonathan Foose and Ed Guinn. A nice opus of Texas blues - although the program is a little too long - with "Soon as the weather breaks", "24 hours a day", "Cold cold feeling", "T-Bone shuffle", "Bobby Sox blues", "I've got bad news baby " and "Black night". First issued confidentially on a cassette, it was quickly reissued on CD. Following this recording, they will participate in the Blues Estafette of Utrecht in the next year.


Smithsonian - Folkways

March 1993

Une très belle version en concert de "Twenty four hours a day".

A very nice concert version of "Twenty four hours a day".


Home Cooking


